Projects per topic
Projects in Subject Area Resources & Consumption
HolzKreislauf - Study on solutions for circular timber construction in Austria
The aim of the study is to determine the circularity of various timber building product groups in construction and to identify the most important challenges and fields of action in the various construction life cycle phases to improve circularity, as well as to visualize the mass flows in 2023 and in an optimal scenario for 2050.
Requirements for Recyclability of Solid Building Materials
The study shows the current challenges, opportunities and potentials regarding the circularity of the solid construction industry as well as the relevant actors. Future fields of action for necessary research and development to foster the circular economy in the mineral building materials sector were identified and recommendations were derived.
Tech4Green – Disruptive Technologies for Sustainable Production
Within the framework of the project, an example catalogue of disruptive technologies in the field of "Tech4Green" was developed together with actors from science, industry and public administration. Furthermore, RDI recommendations for action in the field of sustainable production technologies were developed.
NANO CYCLE: Nano materials and advanced materials in a circular economy and effects on recycling processes
Over the past years synthetic nano materials and so called “advanced materials” have been increasingly used in products. In many cases there are no labelling obligations for consumer goods containing nano materials. In this project, these components are going to be quantified in waste flows in a circular economy.
Accompanying Research „Flagship region Energy“
As a part of the accompanying research team of the programme „Flagship region Energy“ ÖGUT supports the Climate and Energy Fund regarding communication measures and the implementation of programme events.
Clean Air in Animal Production
The project SaLu_T deals with two steps and technologies to reduce emissions of agricultural production: for the first time in austria the building and the running of an emission reduced pig stall should be supervised.
Bio-economy FTI Strategy: Dialogue Forum 2016
The inter-ministerial FTI working group for climate change and scarcity of resources would like to create an action and implementation plan for the fields of research, innovation and technology together with relevant stakeholders in the form of a dialogue forum. The main aim of the project is expert organisational support throughout the dialogue-process.
The status quo within the bio-based industry in Austria
The intention of this project is to create a comprehensive overview of the status quo in the bio-based industry. With the help of quantitative indicators, current R&D areas will be identified, located geographically on a country-level and compared with other countries.
Event series „Highlights of Energy Research“
The event series “Highlights of Energy Research“ has been initiated by the BMVIT aiming to create a common platform for experts and stakeholders involved in relevant research areas.
Networking workshop on algae
This project intends to develop content for and undertake the organisation of three networking workshops to drive networking and development for new research objectives.