Innovative Building
Focus Areas
Innovations that find their way into the broader marketplace are a requirement for sustainable development.
Over the past few years, there have been some important forward-looking developments in building technologies that not only considerably increase the energy efficiency of buildings (passive house technology) but also optimise the generation and use of energy (electricity and heating) in buildings. The ecological sustainability of buildings has also been improved. To continue this innovation-boost in the building industry, developments are being made in the following areas:
- Building materials
- Construction
- Building envelope
- Building services
- Energy production and energy storage
- Integrated planning
- Project processes
- Construction site logistics
- Building operations and monitoring
- Lifecycle approach to buildings
- Sustainability criteria for building and housing estate development
The OEGUT contributes to significant and sustainable developments in the area of building and innovation in Austria. On the level of spatial and housing development, the OEGUT works on concepts to increase the efficiency of building construction and operations, energy generation and their interdependencies.
Main areas of focus in Building and Innovation:
- Programme management of research and innovation programmes like “Haus der Zukunft” (“House of the Future”) from the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and “klimaaktiv Bauen und Sanierung” (“klimaaktiv Building and Refurbishment”) from the Environment Ministry.
- International and national networking for Austrian actors.
- Leading national and international consultation projects.
- Changing the framework conditions and stakeholder awareness for innovations within the previously mentioned areas.
- Membership of the management board for the Austrian Society for Sustainable Building (ÖGNB).