Inge Schrattenecker
Vice-Secretary General
DIin Inge Schrattenecker has been working as a scientific project manager at ÖGUT in the areas of gender and diversity as well as innovative building since 2003. In 2011, she took over the management of the ,,klimaaktiv Bauen und Sanieren'' and ,,klimaaktiv Gebäude'' (2023) programs. Since 2015 she has been Deputy Secretary General of ÖGUT and from 2018 - 2022 she was a member of the management board of crowd4projects GmbH.
Inge Schrattenecker studied spatial planning at the Vienna University of Technology and trained as a mediator for the environmental and planning sector. She also completed several additional training courses in gender mainstreaming and diversity management in organizations. She has worked in various planning offices in Vienna, including as a freelancer at ÖIR and the Austrian Institute of Ecology, specializing in urban development, housing and regional planning.
Key activities
- Head of the klimaaktiv Buildings program
- Scientific project management of national research, strategy and consulting projects in the fields of innovative building and gender & diversity
- Management and coordination of programs
- Conception and content management of events and awards
Selected projects
- klimaaktiv buildings
- Gender Career Management
- Exploratory project for the certification of housing estates/areas
- living gender - development of planning tools for gender- and diversity-oriented sustainable housing construction
- WoZuBau - the future of housing subsidies - increasing the energy policy effectiveness of housing subsidies and energy advice
- klimaaktiv Building Report brochure. ÖGUT, publisher BMK, published annually
- Brochure State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability. ÖGUT, publisher: BMK, 2021
- klimaaktiv building and renovation brochure. ÖGUT, publisher: BMK, new edition 2020
- klimaaktiv criteria catalog for residential buildings new construction and renovation, ÖGUT, publisher: BMK, new edition 2020
- klimaaktiv criteria catalog for service buildings new construction and renovation, ÖGUT, publisher: BMK, new edition 2020
- Trebut F., Schrattenecker, I., Strasser H., Bischof, D. (2015), Zertifizierung von Siedlungen / Quartieren, Report on the exploratory project. Vienna: ÖGUT. Commissioned by: BMVIT, BMLFUW, 2015
- Trebut, F., Schrattenecker, I., Amann, W., Mundt, A., Robor, J., Kraft, A., Melichar, C., Stückler, H. (2013): Zukunft Wohnbauförderung - Energiepolitische Effektivität der Wohnbauförderung und Energieberatung steigern (WoZuBau). Vienna: ÖGUT. Project final report, Climate and Energy Fund. Austria.
- Lubitz-Prohaska B., Mraz G., Schrattenecker, I., Trebut F., Schöberl H.,(2014): Planning handbook living gender. Commissioned by: bmvit, FFG, 2014
- FEMtech Expertinnen 2010; Schrattenecker; Hausner, B.; Publication commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology; Vienna 2010
- The proportion of women in bmvit programs and measures to increase equal opportunities in future tenders; Bodisch, U.; Greisberger, H.; Schrattenecker, I.; Study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology; Vienna 2004
- Handbuch Gender in den Forschungs- und Technologieprogrammen des bmvit; Bodisch, U.; Greisberger, H.; Schrattenecker, I.; Publication commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology; Vienna 2005
- Conceptual preparation for the introduction of Laura Bassi Centers of Expertise; Greisberger, H., Schrattenecker, I.; Study commissioned by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor; Vienna 2005
- wohnträume - nutzerspezifische qualitätskriterien für den innovationsorientierten wohnbau; Tappeiner, G.; Schrattenecker; I.; Lechner, R.; Walch, K.; Österreichisches Ökologie Institut im Rahmen von Haus der Zukunft im Auftrag vom BMVIT, Wien 2001