OEGUT’s Services
The range of services offered by the OEGUT is diverse:
- Strategic development and oversight for research programmes
- Strategy and policy processes to change the framework conditions and awareness of stakeholders from politics, the economy, administration and interest groups
- Development of R&D roadmaps and action plans / masterplans
- Sustainability certification of company pension and retirement funds
- Planning and implementation of participation and conflict-resolution processes and stakeholder dialogue
- Expert opinion and comment
- Product assessment in line with sustainability criteria
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Research, screening and exploration
- Consultation and support for organisations in the implementation of gender equality measures
- Development of assessment and benchmarking criteria for sustainable buildings and settlements, as well as innovative technologies
- Further development of services to increase the energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, particularly within buildings
- Technological and economical analysis of energy and innovation systems
- Feasibility studies and potential analysis
- Development of model-scenarios and environmental accounting
Information & Communication
- Development and monitoring of information platforms
- Writing publications (guidelines, handbooks), informational material (broschures, folders)
- Organisation of events (thematic and networking workshops, symposia, stakeholder dialogues, excursions etc.)
- Prize-giving (OEGUT Environment Prize), presentation of various national awards on behalf of public institutions
Moderation & Training
- Training in the conceptualisation and implementation of participation
- Training in innovative methodologies such as Art of Hosting, Dynamic Facilitation, Citizens Advice or Communities of Practice
- Workshops on mediation and conflict resolution in the environment sector
- Training investment managers on sustainability
- Seminars on the foundations and principles of energy contracting
- Workshops with and for school children