
Focus Areas

The areas of energy and climate change present central challenges in economic, social and ecological development. The questions surrounding the future of energy are especially urgent: the fact that fossil fuels are becoming an increasingly limited energy source on the one hand and the requirements of climate change on the other mean that a trend reversal within our current fossil-fuel-based energy system is necessary, particularly as energy use continues to increase.

The solution to the problem is obvious: more energy efficiency and renewable energy! However, even though the answer seems simple, many challenges and conflicts exist on a practical implementation level. A large part of these challenges can be overcome with adaptation of the economic, social and ecological context and through communication; it is exactly in this function that the OEGUT plays a role.

In terms of our mission, within the area of energy the OEGUT acts as

  • a provider of professional expert information and strategic inputs,
  • an initiator of necessary and meaningful developments and innovation,
  • a platform for strategy processes from the economy, administration and environment organisations (particularly in collaboration with our members).

Within the area of energy efficiency, the OEGUT is mostly concerned with qualitative and high-level service and business models that increase energy efficiency (energy contracting models). The application of renewable energies, especially in an urban context, gives rise to a further focus in this area of expertise, namely technological issues within a socio-ecological framework. The OEGUT develops platforms for sustainable investment in energy efficiency and climate change for the financial and real estate industries.