ÖGUT - Factory of Tomorrow
Client bmvit
Status/Duration completed
The program-line „Factory of Tomorrow“ of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) started in the year 2000 as part of the impulse-programme “Technologies for Sustainable Development”.
The goal of the subprogrammes is, to give an impulse for the development of innovative and resource-efficient production-processes and technologies as well as for the use of renewable resources.
Since the start of the programme-line „Factory of Tomorrow“, five calls and 200 projects with a total volume of 24,5 Mio. EUR have been financed.
Untill 2006, the thematic programme-assistance and assistance for applications for the programme-linie „Factory of Tomorrow“ has been administered by TCI Consult GmbH. In February 2007, OGUT was assigned to take over the Expert-group "Factory of Tomorrow". The Expert-group administers the programme-line „Factory of Tomorrow“’s content and is responsible for the assistance and networking of the projectants.
Transfer of research findings
Further, OGUT is responsible for the ongoing PR for the deliberate communication of findings and outcomings of the programme-line „Factory of Tomorrow“. The findings and accomplishments are published in various media (homepages, intranet, newsletter, background-info-booklets to the projects, press, brochures,...) and presented to a general public.
Key activities
- assistance for content-matters within the programme-line
- Networking for projectants
- transfer-measures and PR (articles, brochures, happenings)
- homepage administration
- newsletter
- ad hoc-support for the principal
Current brochure and project-outcomings
The current brochure shows some showcases that explain the remarkable archievements of the programme-line and can be downloaded here:
Factory of Tomorrow Broschüre „Highlights aus the Programmlinie“ (pdf, German only)
The archievements of the programme-line are published in the journal „Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung“ of the BMVIT and can be downloaded here: