Project Archive
Project Archive
Assembly for Climate Action
What do we have to do today in order to live in a climate-healthy future tomorrow? Around one hundred randomly selected citizens from all regions and all parts of Austrian society grappled with this question. Together, they made up the Climate Assembly. As a microcosm of Austria, they came up with measures to help actively shape the climate future of our country.
Process Support for the RTI-Focus on Circular Economy
In cooperation with the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), OEGUT accompanied the process of developing an Austrian circular economy strategy. The strategy process started in autumn 2020 and lasted until spring 2022.
Sustainability in Agriculture – Multistakeholder-Workshops
Sustainability in conventional agricuture - around that topic eight multistakeholder-workshops were organised. Together with producers, suppliers and other stakeholders, activites were arranged for different productgroups in the context of „Stiftung Blühendes Österreich“ (founded by REWE).
Nationwide guidelines for building culture
The advisory board for building culture, which was established within the Austrian Federal Chancellery, identified the development of nationwide guidelines for building culture in the form of a participatory process as a priority for its current term of office. The OEGUT, together with the organisation “PlanSinn” (“Planning Sense”), was assigned this project.
re:think business
This project focuses on innovative cooperation/ forms of decision-making in organisations with the goal of stimulating a shift to innovative and sustainable organisational cultures. Alongside this, potential activation strategies for target groups of the “klimaaktiv” initiative will be developed which should lead to a strengthening of the project-development-competence of the “klimaaktiv” network.
Austrian-wide networking meetings for Mayors to address the crisis of accommodation for Asylum Seekers
People fleeing their countries are one of the major political challenges for Austria in 2016 and Mayors have a key role in this. Not only can they identify living spaces, they can also establish and strengthen coexistence within the community. For this reason, three networking meetings were held for Mayors, who were invited from throughout the whole of Austria.
Forums for Gender Equality Dialogue
In 2014 Vienna’s first gender equality monitor was set up. This measured the level of gender equality in twelve topic-areas in Vienna. It became clear that a lot has been achieved over the previous decade. However, women are still disadvantaged in many sectors. Discussion forums on the topic of “Gender Equality” are carried out under the direction of the Women’s Department from Vienna’s local government organisation and aim to give women from Vienna the opportunity to enter into a dialogue on gender equality.