
Sustainable Finance Qualification of Financial Advisors (EURENI)

The recent amendments to the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) brought new challenges for financial advisors and intermediaries. Since 2nd August 2022, the updated MiFID II framework includes the requirement to integrate clients' sustainability preferences into the assessment of suitability. This is the reason why raising awareness on sustainable financial products and improving the offer of high-quality financial advice in this regard have become a priority.

The project "Sustainable Finance Qualification for Financial Advisors", supported by the European Environment Initiative (EURENI), aims precisely to increase knowledge about regulatory changes and the qualification on sustainability issues among financial advisors. The project is supported by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) of the Federal Republic of Germany and involves a network of organizations from different countries - such as Germany, Italy, France and Austria – that are committed to promoting sustainable and responsible investments.

ESG Microlearning

In order to achieve these objectives, FNG and ÖGUT have developped an e-learning platform - the ESG Microlearning - for financial advisors on EU regulation on sustainable finance, in English and in German:

In order to reach a higher level of dissemination and engagement, the project partners have published eight short videos on topics related to sustainable finance, targeted both to financial advisors and retail investors:

Videos: The EU Action Plan and Financial Advice

  1. The EU Action Plan & Financial Advice
  2. The EU Taxonomy
  3. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
  4. MiFID II and Sustainability Preferences
  5. The Financial Advice Process


Videos for Private Investors

Are you interested in Sustainability? Do you want to try to change the world towards more sustainability? In this video series, you will learn how you can consider the environment, social concerns and good corporate governance as criteria in your financial investments! We explain what is meant by sustainable and responsible investments and how you can work together with your financial advisor to create a better future.

  1. Sustainable Investments: Choosing a Recipe
  2. MiFID II and sustainability preferences: What does it change for private investors?
  3. Engagement: what is it and why it's important for investors interested in sustainability?


Your Feedback on these Videos

Your experience is crucial for the project, please give your feedback on this video series by answering the following questions.

Moreover, in each country the partners are going to organize multi-stakeholder events open to financial advisors as well as to private and institutional investors, academics and civil society: it will be the occasion to focus on the implementation of the amended MiFID II directive and its impact from different perspectives, raising awareness on the importance of sustainable finance.


  • Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG - Projektleitung)
  • Forum pour l'Investissement Responsable (FIR)
  • Italienisches Forum für Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (ItaSIF)
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik (ÖGUT)


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