KNOWNET (European network of excellence of tourism research and
Status/Duration completed (2012)
- Project aims at creating a :
- To mutualise the research resources linked to tourism sector within Europe.
- To create a European platform and a observatory for exchanging experiences
and best-practices. - To develop new research methods and indicators for statistics and evaluation
of tourism economical performances. - To identify the needs of professionalization and training of the actors in the
tourism sector and hence to develop a schema of cooperation within Europe
in tourism education. - To raise the awareness of sustainable development among the professional
Partner of the Project
- Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, France
- Austrian Society for Environment and Technology, Austria
- Office wallon de la formation professionnelle et de l'emploi, Belgium
- Harsanyi Janos Foiskola, Hungary
- Unione Dei Comuni Della Gallura, Italy
- Romanian Association For Knowledge Transfer, Romania
- National Tourist Association, Slovenia
- Dumlupinar University, Turkey
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