Maxie Riemenschneider
Maxie Riemenschneider, MSc studied Psychology at Free University of Berlin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and University College Dublin. She has been working for the Austrian Society for Environment and Technology (ÖGUT) as a research associate in the field of citizen engagement and participation since April 2021.
Before working for ÖGUT, she worked in the filed of international youth participation, intercultural mediation and as an environmental psychology consultant.
Maxie is trained in various moderation techniques. In her private life, she is involved in the field of participatory living and cohousing.
Key activities
- process design and moderation (e.g. for the Austrian Climate Council of Citizens), Klimarat: Die Empfehlungen der Bürger:innen | ÖGUT (oegut.at)
- applied research in the field of participation (e.g. in the EU project "Localized" with a focus on the co-creation of climate policy measures and strategies, together with affected and vulnerable citizens), LOCALISED – EU Klimaszenarien für regionale Ebenen | ÖGUT (oegut.at)
- content creation for the website www.partizipation.at