Projects per topic
Projects in Subject Area Resources & Consumption
Online-platform EcoWeb
ECOWEB is a platform that connects. EU-funded eco-innovations with enterprises, researchers and multipliers.
IEA Networking Meeting
The OEGUT supports the Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the FFG (“Austrian Research Promotion Agency”) in the design and organisation of networking meetings for experts from the IEA Research Cooperation over the years 2011 to 2015.
Information Platform
Since 2010 the OEGUT have been supporting the Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology with the content and design of the online information platform
- – the first Austrian website for sustainable consumption
The aim is to raise awareness, provide comprehensive information on sustainable consumption and to simplify purchase decisions.
Hot Spot analysis for the retail sector
REWE commissioned scientific institutions to carry out Hot Spot Analysis for the expansion of their sustainable product range.
ÖGUT - Factory of Tomorrow
Coordinating unit for waste prevention in Vienna
As a coordination unit for waste prevention in Vienna, the OEGUT supports Vienna’s local government with technical, organaisational and strategic issues arising in conjunction with their initiative “natürlich weniger Mist” (“naturally less waste”) in order to ensure it is a continuous and efficient process. Coordination activities include compiling an annual report on the projects carried out by the “naturally less waste” initiative. Furthermore the project-beneficiary coordinates the delivery of project documentation and six-monthly project status reports from the project coach assigned to this particular funded project.